Fuse Networks Blog

Fuse Networks has been serving the Tukwila area since 2009, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

The Real Risk to Cybersecurity? Indifference

The Real Risk to Cybersecurity? Indifference

Many people still underestimate the importance of cybersecurity and data privacy, putting themselves and others at risk. Most individuals are accustomed to sharing personal information online, whether through social media, e-commerce platforms, or various digital services. However, this lack of caution can lead to serious security breaches, identity theft, and even financial fraud. When people fail to take basic security measures, such as using strong passwords or enabling two-factor authentication, they create vulnerabilities that malicious actors can exploit. These weaknesses don’t just impact them personally but also expose organizations and communities to cyberattacks.

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Protect Your Business with These 6 Technology Tools

Protect Your Business with These 6 Technology Tools

Cybersecurity is the single largest problem that any business faces, particularly when the threat profile out there is so vast and varied. Today, we want to go over the many solutions your business can implement to make cybersecurity much more manageable.

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Meta’s Track Record Isn’t Great, Regarding Security

Meta’s Track Record Isn’t Great, Regarding Security

Sometimes, companies don’t take the privacy of their services as seriously as they should, as evidenced by Meta, the parent company of Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram. Despite their popularity, these services have had several security and privacy issues over the years. Today, we want to look at some of these services' most notable privacy and security breaches.

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Co-Managed IT Can Help Alleviate Some Technology Troubles

Co-Managed IT Can Help Alleviate Some Technology Troubles

If your organization has an internal IT department, chances are they're managing a complex infrastructure while being understaffed and overworked. This isn't a criticism; it's simply the reality for many SMBs (we understand this well). We can ease the burden on your IT team and streamline your technology management.

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Even the Most Diligent Individuals Are Not Immune to Data Breaches

Even the Most Diligent Individuals Are Not Immune to Data Breaches

Humans have all kinds of stakes in digital security thanks to today’s online world demanding that we be more online than ever. Whether it’s personal information or financial details, you can bet everyone is at risk to some degree. Today, we want to examine why individuals—even technology professionals—are not immune to data theft.

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Five Steps Your Organization Must Take to Keep Your Data Safe

Five Steps Your Organization Must Take to Keep Your Data Safe

Keeping your data safe is extremely important. More precedence has been put on data privacy and security in recent times as phishing and ransomware litter the landscape. Unauthorized access to data can lead to severe consequences. The methods employed by cybercriminals today are more sophisticated than ever; and it quite often allows them to breach organizational data security. Today, we thought we would take a look at a few strategies people are using to protect their data. 

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Research by Mozilla Shows Today’s Cars are Terrible, in Terms of Privacy

Research by Mozilla Shows Today’s Cars are Terrible, in Terms of Privacy

Today’s cars, trucks, and sport utility vehicles are packed with features, many of which heavily lean on technology in order to operate. While these new vehicles and all their new capabilities are certainly appealing to today’s consumer, it needs to be said that one key aspect of technology has not been improved as these vehicles have been innovated upon.

That one key aspect? Security.

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Your Password Can Probably be Cracked Faster Than You’d Think

Your Password Can Probably be Cracked Faster Than You’d Think

Whether you’re talking about identity theft, data breaches, or any other form of cybercrime, one of the leading causes of successful cyberattacks is the use of insufficiently secure passwords. Just how easy is it for someone to bypass such a password? Let’s consider the facts.

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Healthcare Technology Innovation Focuses on Data Privacy

Healthcare Technology Innovation Focuses on Data Privacy

Technology has changed the way that healthcare is delivered to patients, and it has helped to stabilize costs, increase access, and personalize the care delivery process. That said, these innovations have led many to question the privacy of patient data, bringing the issue front and center. Let’s take a look at how IT has changed the way that the healthcare industry functions in regard to data privacy.

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Cybersecurity is Crucial for These 3 Reasons

Cybersecurity is Crucial for These 3 Reasons

To an extent, we all know how important security is, but unless you are making it an integral part of your operations, chances are you are not doing enough to keep it secure from threats. Your network security might be one of the most critical parts of securing your organization’s future, and not for the reasons you might expect.

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Implement a Password Management Solution Today!

Implement a Password Management Solution Today!

With so many accounts required on an everyday basis, it’s no surprise that people often struggle with passwords and password security. One way that individuals try to manage the countless passwords used on a daily basis while keeping them secure is through the use of password managers. What does a password manager do, and why should you consider implementing one for your business?

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Encryption Is More Important than Ever

Encryption Is More Important than Ever

Now that Google’s Android Messages application has end-to-end encryption, it might be a good time to discuss the concept of what end-to-end encryption actually is and why it’s important. Let’s take a closer look.

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Demystifying Blockchain Technology

Demystifying Blockchain Technology

Cryptocurrencies--especially those that have recently surged into relevance--rely on blockchain technology, but what many people do not know is that blockchain is far more than a way to exchange digital currencies. In fact, cryptocurrency was just the beginning. Let’s take a look at the other practical uses for blockchain technology, including what it is and how it can help businesses.

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Facebook Dealing With Fallout From a Huge Data Leak

Facebook Dealing With Fallout From a Huge Data Leak

Facebook is by far the largest social media network and it does bring a lot of value to a lot of people. Whether that be for personal use or professional use, Facebook has staked a claim as the most successful technology company in the world. With this comes scrutiny, especially if you’ve operated the way Facebook has over the past few years. Let’s take a look at a situation that Facebook is dealing with in 2021.

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The Internet is Very Different From Place to Place

The Internet is Very Different From Place to Place

While it seems decidedly commonplace nowadays, the Internet is undeniably a miracle of the modern age—shrinking the world in a way never seen before. Of course, this has complicated things considerably in terms of the rules that the Internet must comply with, based on regional regulations. Let’s reexamine the impact that these laws, regulations, and restrictions have had on how the Internet appears across the globe.

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It Is Still People that Makes Your Business Work

It Is Still People that Makes Your Business Work

2020 is finally coming to a close. It has been an extraordinarily long year for most small businesses. Even if yours hasn’t seen a lot of the financial problems that thousands of businesses are seeing, you've definitely had to make some major adjustments that often come with additional cost. Through it all, one part of your business has been a rock, your people. 

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What If All Data Was Leaked at Once?

What If All Data Was Leaked at Once?

When you take a long look at cybersecurity, you need to understand that the main purpose of it is to protect people’s ideas, people’s identities, and people’s effort. It isn’t all about protecting money, even though that obviously is a consideration. This notion led us to a thought experiment that Gizmodo recently undertook: What would happen if all the data stored in the world was suddenly leaked, open for the world to see? We’ve put together some of the responses. 

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Properly Assigning Access Control Measures Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult

Properly Assigning Access Control Measures Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult

Unless you run a business in which each and every employee is responsible for identical tasks, you are going to encounter the need for variable permissions among your staff so that your data can be better protected. One effective means of enforcing these permissions is through an access management policy. Let’s review a few components you should include in such a policy.

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Tip of the Week: 3 Key Factors to Securing Your Data

Tip of the Week: 3 Key Factors to Securing Your Data

With data being such a valuable asset today (especially personally identifiable data), you can’t afford to let any of the information your company has access to fall into the wrong hands. The same goes for all of your data, especially that which concerns your employees or your clients. Let’s go over a few tips that should help you keep this data safe, step by step.

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Best Practices to Control Your Access Control

Best Practices to Control Your Access Control

Over time, your business will accumulate a lot of data, including some that certain employees or departments will have no need to see (or perhaps shouldn’t see). An effective way of keeping eyes from wandering is through an access management policy. Let’s go over a few elements you ought to prioritize in your approach to controlling internal access.

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