Fuse Networks Blog

Fuse Networks has been serving the Tukwila area since 2009, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Technology Can Help You Stay Optimistic

Technology Can Help You Stay Optimistic

Staying optimistic is difficult, not just in business, but in life.

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AI Can Dramatically Improve Your Business Operations

AI Can Dramatically Improve Your Business Operations

AI has infiltrated the zeitgeist in a way that few technologies have. It’s rare to hear about anyone who has no opinion on how it should or should not be used. Businesses, however, can take full advantage of the situation and capitalize on the use of AI in operations and products. Today, we want to explore the opportunity businesses have to use AI to add value to their offerings.

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Three Qualifications You Should Look for in an MSP

Three Qualifications You Should Look for in an MSP

Many small and medium-sized businesses have serious difficulties when they try to balance their technology needs against the limited resources at their disposal. Fortunately, this serious issue can be resolved effectively by working with a managed service provider (or MSP). The approach that these professionals take outpaces the value that more traditional forms of IT support have been able to offer—whether that support is through an external provider or even an in-house team.

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When to Know It’s Time to Upgrade Your Technology

When to Know It’s Time to Upgrade Your Technology

When you ask a managed service provider or other technology expert when you should be upgrading your technology, you’ll likely get a pretty nebulous answer like, “it depends.” That’s because there isn’t necessarily a hard or steadfast response to this question, and the answer will change depending on various factors that are inconsistent across businesses.

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What Are the Big Benefits that Outsourced Managed Services Give You?

What Are the Big Benefits that Outsourced Managed Services Give You?

Your IT team plays a crucially important part in your business machinations. However, many small and even medium-sized businesses may not have the in-house resources to effectively cover their needs. If this could easily describe your business, you might want to consider outsourcing some of your technology management needs to a managed service provider. 

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Keep Your Users Happy with Managed Technology Support Services

Keep Your Users Happy with Managed Technology Support Services

Making IT decisions while balancing the user experience—including their complaints—can be exhausting. As a decision maker for your business, you have a budget to consider, as well as a timeline to manage. You’ll have to say no, which no one likes to hear, but it’s a necessary part of running your organization effectively.

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Why an MSP Is the Best Call For Your 2024 IT Budget

Why an MSP Is the Best Call For Your 2024 IT Budget

Now that we’re in Q3 of 2023, it’s time to start planning out your budget for the next fiscal year—including your IT services budget. Let’s go over some of the considerations you’ll need to keep in mind for this remarkably important aspect of running your business.

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Who is Handling These Critical IT Tasks In Your Organization?

Who is Handling These Critical IT Tasks In Your Organization?

Your business might have a full-time IT person, but it also might not have one, and in cases like this, you might find yourself waiting to call your go-to person until you are experiencing a full-blown problem. The reality is that your internal, non-IT staff should not be responsible for the job of your IT department, and if you are relying on someone externally to handle your technology help, then you’ll want to make sure they tick all of the following boxes.

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Farewell, Microsoft Office…Hello Microsoft 365!

Farewell, Microsoft Office…Hello Microsoft 365!

Microsoft’s initiative to rebrand Microsoft Office is reaching the final stage of its journey—a plan that has been years in the making. What will this assimilation into the Microsoft 365 brand mean for users of Microsoft’s services and products?

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How We Streamline IT Support for You

How We Streamline IT Support for You

As people have increasingly shifted to working remotely, the importance of accessible support for their devices has risen substantially. This has led many businesses to use managed IT service providers, or MSPs, like us to provide this kind of support. To do so, we’ve invested in a series of tools collectively called remote monitoring and management software (RMM). Let’s share some of the reasons that you want an IT support provider that uses RMM to their advantage.

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Keeping Thorough Records Can Help Your Business

Keeping Thorough Records Can Help Your Business

If your business uses as much technology as the average business, you will need to ensure that it is properly documented. Today, we’ll go through what a managed service provider includes in their documentation practices.

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How Safe is Your Email?

spam iconEmail is (and has been) a prime method of communication for businesses of all sizes. With email comes a whole slew of issues that are essentially synonymous with the technology; spam, information overload, phishing, and information privacy. Even Seattle small businesses that only do business locally are at risk of these issues. Personal email accounts are equally at risk. Employing proper precautions and practices whenever communicating via email is very important to prevent the risk of security compromises, monetary loss, and even legality issues.

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Slow Computer? Increase your memory to boost computer Speeds

man asleep at computerSometimes when your workstation feels bogged down, a relatively cheap and simply hardware update can make a huge difference in performance. Adding more RAM (Random Access Memory, often just referred to as memory) can be a game changer for your bogged down PC.

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What is your Identity Worth to You?

man hiding face with question markYour identity has quite a lot of value, especially in the wrong hands. Security firm ZoneAlarm put together some numbers in 2011 concerning identity fraud, and it even shocked us. Let's talk about a few of these statistics and what it means.

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5 Tips for Saving Money on your IT

piggy bank and calcuatorSaving a little on your technology can go a long ways, but cutting too many corners can lead to additional problems and expensive downtime. Here are a few ways you can cut costs without creating long term issues.

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Disaster Recovery and Why it Matters to Seattle Businesses

throw ringWhen you mention the term 'disaster recovery,' most people think about the big ground-shattering events like earthquakes, fires, floods, tropical storms, etc. While these natural events are certainly disasters and devastating in their own right, smaller things can constitute as a disaster for your business, and they aren't seasonal.

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