Fuse Networks Blog

Fuse Networks has been serving the Tukwila area since 2009, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

What’s Unique About Wi-Fi Calling?

What’s Unique About Wi-Fi Calling?

We all use smartphones to make phone calls. It’s a daily occurrence, whether it’s through your data plan or Wi-Fi calling. If you don’t know what Wi-Fi calling is, we’d love to explain to you how it works and what it does to help you with your important communications.

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Voice over IP: Changing Communications One Office at a Time

Voice over IP: Changing Communications One Office at a Time

Communications are incredibly important for businesses, but it’s easy to let the other parts of your technology infrastructure take priority. One of the greatest ways businesses can prioritize communications and cut costs is by implementing a VoIP ( Voice over Internet Protocol) system. With the right setup, your business can revolutionize its telephony system and streamline communications across your organization.

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VoIP Can Be a Powerful Communications Solution for Your SMB

VoIP Can Be a Powerful Communications Solution for Your SMB

Does your business effectively use its technology for communication and telecommunications? Your typical business phone system is a costly solution. Thankfully, developments in favor of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) mean that it’s a more cost-effective solution for most SMBs. Not only can you implement the solutions you know and love, but you can integrate with other effective technologies like video conferencing and remote communications to create a much more effective phone system.

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Modern Communication Problems Require Modern Solutions

Modern Communication Problems Require Modern Solutions

Small businesses might not be used to having high-quality or top-tier communication solutions available to them, but in today’s fast-paced business environment, they need them to keep up with the many challenges SMBs face. After all, SMBs need all the tools they can muster to outpace the competition. Let’s go over some communication tools that can help you get there.

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VoIP Will Transform Your Business’ Communications

VoIP Will Transform Your Business’ Communications

With Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, your business can change the way it communicates and operates for the better. While it might seem like a fancier version of your current telephone infrastructure, it is much more than that; it’s a communications platform that is designed to be flexible, scalable, and dynamic in accordance with your business’ needs.

Let’s explore what your business stands to gain from a quality VoIP solution.

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What is VoIP, and What Makes It Good for My Business?

What is VoIP, and What Makes It Good for My Business?

Communications are often the unsung hero in business operations, enabling all others to some degree. As a result, investing in the right tools can very much give your business a boost—and nowadays, the right tool for your communication needs is something called Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, telephony.

Let’s go over what VoIP is, and why it’s the better option for your business.

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3 Features and Benefits of VoIP You Need to Know About

3 Features and Benefits of VoIP You Need to Know About

Does your business still use the traditional landline telephone infrastructure that is known to cause a lot of overcomplications with your communications? If so, VoIP could give you the break you need and the opportunity to push past the limitations of your old communications technology. With a cloud-hosted VoIP solution, your business can not only survive…it can thrive!

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VoIP Is a Powerful Business Tool

VoIP Is a Powerful Business Tool

Communications are important for small businesses, but how much do you pay attention to your telephone system? While it might have been useful in the past, chances are your team members and clients are communicating with you in different ways, rendering your telephone system, more or less, obsolete—at least the traditional telephone systems, anyway.

Compared to other options like Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, traditional telephone solutions are simply outdated in nature and scope. Let’s go over what you need to know about VoIP.

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6 Extremely Valuable Communications Tools for Business

6 Extremely Valuable Communications Tools for Business

Your employees will look to you to provide guidance throughout the workday, so you should do your best to use the communication mediums at your disposal to stay in touch with them. Granted, the average business has many different ways of communicating information to employees, especially in the wake of a global pandemic which forced many employees to work remotely. That said, communication is more important than ever; what services or solutions can you use to foster communication and aid your employees in their day-to-day responsibilities?

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Voice over Internet Protocol Takes Business Telephony to the Next Level

Voice over Internet Protocol Takes Business Telephony to the Next Level

Ever since the telephone made its debut in the office environment, businesses have utilized it to at least some extent. Nowadays, VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, has taken the capabilities of the telephone to the next level by offering businesses even more dynamic and flexible options for communication.

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Exploring the Benefits of VoIP

Exploring the Benefits of VoIP

With so many employees working outside the confines of the office environment, communication solutions are more important now than they have ever been. While you might be used to your traditional telephone infrastructure, we’re sorry to say that it’s simply not going to cut it any longer. We recommend you make the shift to VoIP, or Voice over IP, as soon as possible.

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VoIP is the Solution to Growing Communications Costs

VoIP is the Solution to Growing Communications Costs

Investment in communications is one way that any company can improve operations and everything that comes along with them. There are many options out there to improve communications, but few have the same impact on your bottom line as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).

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4 Reasons to Ditch That Landline Telephone Solution and Get VoIP

4 Reasons to Ditch That Landline Telephone Solution and Get VoIP

Believe it or not, there was a time when a technology as prevalent as the landline was an exciting new solution for businesses, but that time has long since passed. These days, there are better options available for your communications needs. In fact, these modern tools might just be powerful enough to convince you to ditch your landline entirely in favor of them!

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Have You Considered Hosted VoIP as a Practical Solution?

Have You Considered Hosted VoIP as a Practical Solution?

Many businesses experience a similar scenario when dealing with their telephony—one where an extremely expensive solution limits their capabilities… unless, of course, they are willing to fork over more of their available budget. VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, is another option that can help fix both issues at once. Let’s take a few moments to review how VoIP does this, and what this can do for your business. 

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Why VoIP is a Great Choice for a Business

Why VoIP is a Great Choice for a Business

A VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) signal uses the Internet instead of using a traditional phone infrastructure. Let's review the concept of VoIP and how companies can use it to their advantage.

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Tip of the Week: Three Tips to Improve Your Remote Meetings

Tip of the Week: Three Tips to Improve Your Remote Meetings

While remote work can be a hugely popular and successful strategy to ensure your business’ goals are accomplished, remote meetings can often offer up challenges for those that aren’t used to them. For this week’s tip, we’re offering three ways that you can help make these meetings easier to manage.

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What Makes VoIP So Different?

What Makes VoIP So Different?

The differences between VoIP and the traditional method behind telephone services are pronounced enough that comparing them isn’t so much a consideration of one team versus the other—VoIP is in another league, practically an entirely different sport. Let’s go over what makes VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) so different, and how this offers greater benefits to businesses.

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Communications You Can Use to Make Doing Business Easier

Communications You Can Use to Make Doing Business Easier

Business success relies entirely on communication. Think about it, a product or a service is entirely useless if there is no way to share or request information. Whether the communication is internal or external, the method upon which your business relies should be simple yet effective. Today, we will analyze the different methods your business can utilize. 

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Can We Get Some VoIP?

Can We Get Some VoIP?

Your business needs a reliable telephone system, that much is true. What if you could get one for a fraction of the cost that you are currently paying? What if that system came with cutting-edge tools that make the telephone company’s offering look like old news? These aren’t hypothetical questions. You can get a full-featured telephone system with built-in options that makes doing business easier than ever, for a fraction of the cost that you are paying right now for your “enterprise” phone system.

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VoIP Has a Spam Problem

VoIP Has a Spam Problem

Robocalls plague the world’s smartphone users, but have you ever stopped to ask why you receive them in the first place? Why are robocallers able to hide behind a local number so that you pick up the phone? Scammers are actually using a business tool you may have heard of… Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, a modern phone solution that in the hands of anyone else is extremely helpful.

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