Fuse Networks Blog

Fuse Networks has been serving the Tukwila area since 2009, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

We Should Talk About the “Act Your Wage” Trend

We Should Talk About the “Act Your Wage” Trend

Numerous workplace trends have emerged in the past few years, many of which employers are not fond of. “Quiet quitting” is an example of such a trend, where workers will do the bare minimum—nothing more—to retain their employment. More recently, the trend has been to “act your wage.”

Let’s look at what this means and how to handle it if you ever encounter it in your business.

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Explaining Google’s Back-end Operations

Explaining Google’s Back-end Operations

Billions of people who find themselves on the Internet depend on the use of Google Search to find what they are looking for. What actually happens when you click on the “search,” though? Today, we want to discuss how the search engine works so you can get a better idea of what goes on behind the scenes.

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The Department of Homeland Security will Use AI, Here’s How?

The Department of Homeland Security will Use AI, Here’s How?

With artificial intelligence becoming a household conversation starter across the country, it’s no wonder the technology has become a key part of operations for countless entities. It’s used in business, education, civic life, and elsewhere… including the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. How is the US DHS using AI to promote the security of everyday Americans?

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Here Are Some of the Coolest Tech from CES 2024

Here Are Some of the Coolest Tech from CES 2024

January is host to the Consumer Electronics Show, or CES, which takes place in Las Vegas. It’s an opportunity for companies to show off thousands of neat ideas, concepts, and devices, and if you’re a tech nerd like us, it’s total heaven. It’s also interesting to see what trends can be seen and how they might be brought into a business or consumer landscape.

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Smartphones Are Great, Until They Are Not

Smartphones Are Great, Until They Are Not

Smartphones are a helpful tool by any measure. Still, with these devices' widespread use, serious concerns about how they may contribute to certain negative human situations have arisen. Here are some ways smartphones can be seen as having a negative effect on people and society. 

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Technology is Making Holidays Happier

Technology is Making Holidays Happier

In our rapidly evolving society, very few things are as they once were. One thing that feels a lot similar to the past is the Christmas holiday. Sure, it’s more commercialized than ever, but by-in-large many of our holiday traditions stay the same. People make a point to get together and exchange gifts and eat too much; and they tend to do this every year. 

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You’ll Be Surprised at the Art That Has Been Made Using Excel

You’ll Be Surprised at the Art That Has Been Made Using Excel

Defining art can be a challenging task, particularly in light of the constantly evolving techniques and mediums. At its core, art can be succinctly described as the creative expression of an individual using some form of medium.

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Where Right-to-Repair Laws Stand Right Now

Where Right-to-Repair Laws Stand Right Now

The Right to Repair movement has evolved from a simple idea into a full-fledged campaign, with numerous states enacting measures to enhance the rights of consumers and businesses who use various technologies daily. Let's take a moment to assess the current status of this movement and explore what it means for businesses.

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Here Are Some Desk Exercises to Keep You Healthy at Work

Here Are Some Desk Exercises to Keep You Healthy at Work

While sitting all day might sound appealing at first glance (after all, who doesn’t like sitting?), it’s not something that our bodies are designed to do. Sitting, as a result, can have considerable negative consequences on our overall health when done in excess. It doesn’t have to be hard to fit a workout into your day, though; you can do these simple desk-ercises right from your office to combat the creep of becoming too sedentary. 

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Google Search Has Loads of Easter Eggs to Find

Google Search Has Loads of Easter Eggs to Find

On September 15, 1997, Google registered its domain and began its climb to the top of the search engine ladder. It began as a simple search engine, but since then it has seen immense growth as it continues to develop platforms and services through its parent company, Alphabet. There is a certain nostalgia attached to Google Search, and the company regularly includes little tidbits with the feature that people find fun: Easter Eggs.

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3 Great Technology-Related Television Shows to Binge This Summer

3 Great Technology-Related Television Shows to Binge This Summer

Technology often finds its way into pop culture, especially television shows that showcase just how technology has impacted people’s lives. It’s something we can all relate to, as we have lived through a time that has seen exponential technological growth, making for some quite popular television shows that span genres. Let’s take a look at three shows that any technology enthusiast will find interesting.

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You Love Your Pets, But Your Technology Doesn’t

You Love Your Pets, But Your Technology Doesn’t

Pets do weird things every so often… like laying on top of keyboards or sidling up next to computer monitors. If you’re not careful, your furry companions might accidentally cause a lot of damage to your technology. Some studies have indicated that pets cause around $3 billion worth of damage to technology annually—pretty shocking stuff. Let’s go over how you can minimize the chances of this happening to you.

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Healthcare Technology Innovation Focuses on Data Privacy

Healthcare Technology Innovation Focuses on Data Privacy

Technology has changed the way that healthcare is delivered to patients, and it has helped to stabilize costs, increase access, and personalize the care delivery process. That said, these innovations have led many to question the privacy of patient data, bringing the issue front and center. Let’s take a look at how IT has changed the way that the healthcare industry functions in regard to data privacy.

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3 Cool Gadgets That are Right for Any Office

3 Cool Gadgets That are Right for Any Office

Everyone loves a gadget. The office space has been home to some of the coolest tech, and today there are literally millions of devices that people can use in their workspace. Today, we thought we’d introduce you to three separate gadgets that may be useful in your office. 

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When the North Pole Needs IT Support, We’re Their First Call

When the North Pole Needs IT Support, We’re Their First Call

We work with a lot of businesses, but one in particular may surprise you. Let’s talk about how our services made a certain organization’s critical processes a lot easier to manage during their busiest time of year:

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3 Tips to Build Better Habits (Future You Will Thank You)

3 Tips to Build Better Habits (Future You Will Thank You)

Some high-profile business owners are notorious for having daily routines that build good habits, like going to the gym or waking up early, but more often than not, the stressors of day-to-day business build bad habits that compound on each other over time. Therefore, it is imperative that you address this now and develop good, productive habits.

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Big Tech Antitrust Bills to Have an Effect

Big Tech Antitrust Bills to Have an Effect

Recently five bipartisan bills are being considered in the United States House of Representatives that intend to add additional oversight on the power of modern tech giants. Let’s take a look at these bills and why they are deemed necessary by many lawmakers. 

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Why Online Speech Isn’t (Usually) a Free Speech Issue

Why Online Speech Isn’t (Usually) a Free Speech Issue

It is undeniable that technology has become ingrained into our workplaces, and perhaps even more so into our daily lives—particularly considering the events of the past few years. This is likely why it is so surprising when a large tech company bans a user for some activity on their platform.

With all that is happening today, this surprise has largely turned into outrage over whether or not these companies can really ban people over what they share on the platform. Let’s go over the situation to try and glean from it some answers.

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Remember the Equifax Breach? Here’s an Update

Remember the Equifax Breach? Here’s an Update

Spoiler alert: it isn’t good news.

On September 7th, 2017, it was made public that Equifax had suffered one of the largest cybersecurity breaches in history, and as a result, had left 145.5 million consumers in the United States vulnerable to identity theft. Due to a website application vulnerability, the personally identifiable information of these people was exposed from May until July of that year.

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ISPs Altering Service Strategies for Coronavirus

ISPs Altering Service Strategies for Coronavirus

In light of the coronavirus outbreak that swiftly swept across the globe, there have been efforts made by many telecommunications companies to make life easier for their customers. These customers are likely holed up at home, working remotely if possible. One way or another, they are going to want Internet access, and in a show of solidarity, numerous ISPs and cell carriers are delivering.

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